Clothing Confidantes - A Night of Dance with PushPULL

We were thrilled to be in the audience last evening for PushPULL Dance's First Decade Opening night show at the Winchester Street Theatre in Toronto. We were there to support our friend - and ridiculously talented gal - Kelly Fanson. She can act, write, direct, pitch, whistle … and now we learn she's a wicked dancer. What can't she do?IMG_2825

It was also exciting to see our very first ad in print in the PushPULL show program!


The dance numbers are choreographed by the members (yes, Kelly can choreograph too - check out her number "Happiness is a Work in Progress") which consists of Lawyers, Doctors, Ad Execs, Actors and teachers to name a few. And you can FEEL their passion and love for dance.

At the end of the evening we enjoyed some patio time, well … because, patio season is here.


Go see the show, you'll be glad you did.

It runs June 5-8 and June 12-14. Visit for more info.